Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I just woke up from a 6 hour siesta. Didn't mean to nap that long... whoops. Anyyyway, so here is the update on life in Cadiz.

Sunday we got up fairly late and discovered that NOTHING was open. This makes sense though because Spain is a highly religious country and Sunday is a day to rest and spend time with the family. So, as a group we decided to go to the beach. As we walked across the city to the newer portion where the beach is, we were amazed at how empty the streets were. Just the day before they had been full of people eating, shopping, talking, etc. Well, when we arrived at the beach we'd realized why. Apparently EVERYONE goes to the beach on Sunday. It was like a sea of flesh up on the beach. There were also more umbrellas (for shade) then I think I've ever seen in my life. It was crazy.
It was also REALLY hot. All of us were drenched in sweat by the time we got there and had to stop for drinks. This made the water feel amazing! It was cool but not too cold. It was nice and refreshing. When we got back to the residencia we all took showers and then crowded downstairs in the common room with the rest of the students staying here to watch the soccer match against Germany. This was one of the craziest experiences I've witnessed in my life. Everyone jumped out of their seats every time Spain got near the goal box. After Spain won, it was a huge party. The whole city ran downtown to jump in the fountain. I sadly did not take part because I ran upstairs to get my phone and when I came back the residencia was empty. :( A lot of other people from our group did go however, and some even took videos of it. It is amazing how the whole country united to support their team. It showed a pride and sense of patriotism that I don't think I've ever seen back at home.

Monday was our first day of class. So we woke up around 8:30AM, got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. For breakfast we had the choice cereal that remotely resembled cocoa puffs, toast, orange juice, coffee, smacks cereal, or graham cracker type cookies. Our class took place from 10-2 which is a long time when you are running on only a few hours of sleep. The partying over the victory of the soccer game ensued until at least 3AM, and I'm still not accustomed to the rock hard mattress or the excessive heat. I was really looking forward to my siesta after class. Lunch followed shortly after class, so I decided to take my siesta when we were done eating. For lunch we had spaghetti with some kind of meat. Hotdogs maybe? Anyway, I sat with two other girls from our group and one of the Spanish boys living in our residencia. He was really nice and I had a lot of fun trying to understand the conversation. After lunch a few of us decided to go back to the beach, so we made our trip out there and back in time to shower before dinner. At dinner I talked to the kids from Texas a bit and they invited me to a movie. So I decided to join them in watching the movie "88 Minutos" dubbed in Spanish at the local cine. I had a lot of trouble staying awake and got lost a lot as to the plot because of this and the spanish phrases I didn't understand, but I still enjoyed myself. The movie was over around midnight so we went out for Gelato at the Cafe next to the residencia before heading in for bed.


Today was pretty relaxed. I woke up for class, ate lunch and decided to take a siesta, since I didn't take one the day before. Meaning to get up in 2 hours, I slept for 6. I woke up feeling a lot better than I have in a few days though. I guess I really needed the sleep. After dinner we went out for Ice Cream with the Texans again. They are a really nice group of kids and I'm glad that we are on friendly terms. Currently all of the Spanish kids are moving out so it's just us and them left. Anyway, It's boiling in here, and my battery on my laptop is dying, so I think I'm going to shower and head to bed.

Hasta luego!

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